When Sandy said yes to the business even though she didn’t want to she she changed our lives and 10’s of thousands of others. By sharing the business with her sister & brother-in-law, Phyllis & Dave Quick, she found us and consequently found you. It was a simple yes that created resounding results. She was our first teacher, mentor, and role model. She encouraged, cajoled, and made sure we got to the right room where we could learn to grow. We agree with Diamond Mimi Ferlita who said she admired her strength of leadership. It wasn’t always easy for Sandy, but she pressed on and through the tough times. She built the business as a couple, a single mom, and with a new husband, John who was her best friend and customer. She took care of her family, looked after her friends, and cared about all of us. She left a legacy of success and a wonderful family. She made a difference.