Sandra is my Aunt Sandy, with her sister Phyllis being my mother. When with Sandy, I always felt her genuine enthusiasm and excitement for seeing my family and me. I definitely felt loved by her. Growing up in the Quick household, it was always such a pleasure each year for my sisters and I to hang our personalized Christmas stockings that were all hand-knit by our Aunt Sandy. The stockings were skillfully made, colorfully festive, and extra-long, providing room for the obligatory apples and oranges plus lots of small gifts and candies supplied by Santa. Her beautiful handiwork was also showcased in the aprons she sewed and gave to me and my then fiance' (now husband), Clay, at the wedding shower she helped host for us with my Aunt Bonnie. An apron showcasing a pattern of coins for Clay, as he is a finance guy. A red apron detailed with hot peppers for me. Perhaps she thought I was spicy and sassy, like her? 🙂

The house on Eagle Island always felt larger than life to me. As a youth, it seemed easy to get lost in. But, great for hide and seek! I loved the dense forage of trees on Eagle Island, the winding drive, the magical organ, the "secret" loft, swimming pool, and grand lake. I so enjoyed being greeted by and playing with the family's beautiful dogs. I especially thought it was exciting as a kid for the dogs to see us upon our first entry to the property and then watch them race alongside the car and weave in and out of trees to escort us up the drive to Sandy's home.

I will miss Aunt Sandy and am glad for the memories created and to have had her in my life!