Sandy was someone I knew a little when I was little. Our families got together at Eagle Island a few times over the summer to swim in that fabulous pool. Sandy was the Lady of the House on the Lake and I was in awe of her.

Years later, after not seeing her for probably 15 years, we saw each other one day. I don't remember the circumstances, but what I do remember was how she looked. At my age at that time, I thought of Sandy as "kind of old" or at least "older". Well, that day, she got out of some very cool car and came walking toward me in an outfit with a skirt and knee-high boots with pretty high heels. I thought to myself "DANG. If that's what Older looks like, I have a new goal." She looked amazing and was as friendly and gracious as I remembered.

Years later, I spent a day at Eagle Island with her, teaching her how to use a new computer. She was the perfect hostess, and even though we were there to work, she never let my iced tea get empty, made us some lunch, and was very complimentary and grateful for my help. She really didn't need to do any of those things, I was happy to help her either way. But she left an indelible impression on me about how to treat people, no matter what role they play in their life.

Bless you on your journey, Sandy. You left some real footprints in the sand while you were here.